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Early Childhood Educator Credentials Matter

A Young Woman Reading a Book
Graduation Ceremony

Video: Empowering the Profession Through

Early Childhood Educator Credentials

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Early childhood educator credentials matter. At DCAEYC, we want to uplift stories of early childhood educators who are empowering themselves by earning credentials that elevate their skills and knowledge in Early Childhood Education.


In this new video, educators share how seeking high credentials have helped them grow both professionally and personally.


We are thankful for the generous support and partnership with NAEYC for this project.

For additional D.C. early childhood educator credential resources, visit OSSE's page on Education Requirements for the Early Childhood Workforce.

DCAEYC's Position Statement on
Early Childhood Educator Credentials and Qualifications

DCAEYC embraces the value and importance of credentials and degrees in early childhood education for the opportunities they offer to build on early childhood educators’ knowledge, competencies, and experience as part of an overall compensation strategy that recognizes the importance of having well-paid child care professionals with good working conditions, and personal well-being. The child care they provide is more likely to be high-quality and provide a safer and more engaged setting for children so they can thrive. DCAEYC remains committed to prioritizing an equity-oriented approach that increases the progressive attainment of credentials and degrees at all levels of the profession.


The District of Columbia Association for the Education of Young Children (DCAEYC) is the DC Affiliate of the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).


NAEYC is a professional membership organization that works to promote high-quality early learning for all young children, birth through age 8, by connecting early childhood practice, policy, and research.

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