"Investing in the education and compensation of early-childhood educators — as D.C. is doing — is the best way to drive child-care quality and supply. And it’s what many of D.C.’s own educators and families want."
-Berna Artis, DCAEYC President
On October 14, 2024, Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) and Rep. Nancy Mace (R-South Carolina) published an op-ed in the Washington Post entitled “College degrees aren’t what make great child care.” As an organization DCAEYC fully embraces the value and importance of credentials and degrees in early childhood education. Find our full position statement on this matter here.
In response to this op-ed several local ECE advocates provided rebuttals published by the Washington Post on October 22, 2024 including DCAEYC President Berna Artis. Berna’s rebuttal, as well as one from Kimberly Perry, co-chair of our coalition partner Under 3 DC, can be found as Letters to the Editor in the Washington Post here.